Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tat, Tat, Tat it Up

Coming into adulthood, I don't do trendy and familiar. I dare to be unique. To stand out from the crowd. I don't get caught up on mimicking celebs and the videos and following the advice of the magazines. Okay, so why am I seriously considering adorning my body with a tattoo?

For those who know me understand a commitment of this sort is not apart of my being. Check out what astrology says about Saggitarians...I embody 94% of my sign's characteristics. Now, I am committed to my Jesus, family, true friends, making a good life for myself, and being true to myself at all times. Other than that, permanency tends to be a bit much for me, hence my former serial dating years. So, a tat has always been far from my mind. I never could fathom having a stamp on my body that I could still be proud of 50 years later. I see chicks with stars, hearts, butterflies, names of children on their arms, neck, back, tummies, legs, etc. I have seen some huge tats with Tupac's name on a thigh or wings across backs. I used to wonder how anyone could go there.

But, for the past 6 months or so, it's been on my mind. Seriously. I thought about a very dainty picture of a butterfly for obvious reasons. Then I thought that is too cliche. Then it came to me. This could also be considered cliche...but I would be true to myself. I would be proud to wear a cross. A small cross on my body to remind me of my commitment to God. A cross that will put me in check when I try to go "there." This symbol is not necessarily for anyone except for me.

Some may ask why mark up the body? Would Jesus want me to do that? The answer is, I truly don't know. I am not sure if Jesus would agree with ear piercings, hair chemicals, nail polish, make up, hair cuts, or plastic surgery. But, for some reason I don't feel bad in anyway for my desire to bear a cross on my skin.

Many will not agree. And that is fine. We all have the right to choose and be who you are. It may have something to do with the artsy side of me. The side that loves great soul and gospel music, art, fashion, poetry, natural hair, and authenticity. The side that hates being put in a box with a label.

The great thing is, I am free to be me. To do me. And I am doing just that. I will do just that.


  1. Sooo...when are you thinking about getting this tattoo? Or is it still in the hypothetical phase?

  2. No later than April...will keep you updated on the process.
