Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jay and B...Creepin

By now you know I dream often. Many times I have no clue why these thoughts creep in my mind or what they actually mean at the moment. This time, I think I have absorbed too much media coverage of the Carter's....way too much.

The first scene took place in my mom's den. I was applying some performance make-up on B as if I was showing her what it would look like in the future. I don't know what that was about as I am a mascara and gloss type of girl. B was very pleasant, but not very talkative. She just pretty much sat there as I did my job. My mom reminded us of the morning we had ahead of us, and we all went off to bed. Jay was not present. He was out and about taking care of business...whatever that means.

The next scene was during the morning and I was dressed in my work out gear. I feel like I was visiting a city for business purposes. I began to jog the downtown streets, and ran into B on a corner. She said she wanted to introduce me to Jay. And there he was. Mr. Carter, himself. The man proclaimed to be the best rapper alive a short time ago. He was a real cool dude. He joked that I looked like an R&B girl and he was sure I knew nothing about his music other than the radio hits. For some reason I felt I had to prove him wrong. I do have my own little Jay Z collection. So, I began to rant off songs from the Black Album and the Blueprints volumes.

Some other girls showed up from B's entourage and they asked me to join them along with Jay. I was working out, but honey I can get my cardio on anytime. How often do you get to hang with the Carter's? Even if it is a dream. :-) We all walked a short distance to a corner store. When we walked in, it looked like a dirty subway-like restroom facility. As I came out the girls end, I saw super producer, Pharrell, laying on the floor. He looked like he was drugged up and 2 seconds from death. As I stood there feeling sadness and sickness, Jay came from the male side and spotted his friend. He went over to talk to him. But, Pharrell wasn't coherent at all. It almost seemed like his body was literally melting into the concrete.

Then I woke up. Totally strange for you, but not for me. This happens to me all the time. Either I will never understand the meaning of this dream. Or something will come to me later down the road where I look back and this will make sense.

Either way, I still wonder what it all means. Time will tell.


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