Thursday, January 1, 2009

Be Still & Know...

Happy New Year Party People! We made it to the greatest year yet!

I went to my church last night to bring the New Year in. I was surrounded by a sea of beautiful people crying out to God for forgiveness, for hope, for thanksgiving. It is amazing how God will orchestrate situations and circumstances to occur in all of our lives to make us stronger, bring us closer to Him, realize our purposes in life, to see with a lucid frame of mind, and to turn our weaknesses into strengths. Once again, I am thankful for everything.

Oh yes, I am at home writing to you without my glass of Moscato. For some reason, I don't have a craving for the wine this morning. I think I am still full on God's Glory and revelations.

Any who, I have to share something with you as another testimony. I have a love for event coordination as well as public relations. I had the pleasure of working as a contractor in both fields and enjoyed them equally. I came to a cross roads 2 years ago when I returned to the corporate world for financial stability. This return was never meant to be permanent, but to serve certain purposes for a season of my life. As I felt my season coming to an end this year, I was met by a near life threatening situation concerning a young man I was dating. It seems he did not have my best interest at all (God help him), but angels were able to protect me from his plans for me. Dating was a sport for me that I thoroughly enjoyed. However, dating was the farthest thing from my mind due to this experience, therefore I became very still. Instead of hanging out with my circles of friends and flirting as I normally did in my spare time, I began to write.

Writing became my therapy, a habit, a passion and an absolute addiction. Thus, this blog was birthed (thanks to one of my angels, Isa). I completely convinced that writing is a vehicle for my destiny. Therefore, I am beginning to answer the question I used to loathe , "So what do you do" with, "I am a writer." Early this morning, that same conversation took place at church. This time, the person on the other side of the conversation asked more questions about my writing and is now interested in applying my passion to his project concerning the arts. Wow, God. Is this Part I of Your plan for me?

All I know is I asked God for 2009 to be better than 2008. I have always lived a full life, and I want to continue to be bubbled over in joy and fulfillment and happiness and success and love. This could be the start of the rest of my life. I say all this to say I have searched all my life for this time of certainty. The time when I am absolutely confident regarding my direction, path and my contribution to society and to this side of life. Now I am there. If you are searching, ask God for clarity and be still. Be still and learn to decline some offers for brunch dates, shopping days, and kick it nights with your circle of friends. You will know in your heart and in your spirit when to say no. Your soul will tell you it is time to be still and listen for answers for your destiny. God will show you and will send what and who is necessary to prepare you for your due season.

Peace unto u.


  1. Yeaaayyy!! I got a blog shout out (lol)! I love this line, "Your soul will tell you it is time to be still and listen for the anwers for your destiny." You are wise beyond your years, girl!! I am glad I can be here and see this part of your journey!

  2. Bird,

    My soul cries out, "YES"! This is absolutely beautiful and one thing I know for sure in you is "As long as tomorrow comes, the BEST is Yet to Come!"

    Keep going, with love and a smile,
