Thursday, January 8, 2009

Save It or Spread It

I was checking out a few celeb gossip websites to get some updates on the happs in Hollywood. I admit I have some sort of addiction to them at this season in my life. But, I noticed a trend that was interesting to me.

Vanessa and Angela Simmons from Run's House debuted their new show, Daddy's Girls, on MTV last week. Of course we all know reality shows are somewhat scripted. So, I expect there to be some fabrication and embellishment here and there. I decided to check out the first episode since I enjoyed the story lines on the family show. The show basically introduced the 2 co-stars, but focused primarily on Angela's recent breakup from her ex, TK (who we saw on eps of Run's House). Angela insinuated to her girls that she was waiting for her husband to share her virginity with. According to her, TK could not handle the pressure, so they went their separate ways.

Okay, first let me say that Angela is around 21 and I am sure TK is the same age if not a few years older. If guys in their 30s have a hard time waiting, then surely a 20 something year old guy in heat is going to find it very difficult to wait until marriage. Especially when the farthest thing from his mind is settling down and being committed to one girl. I am not surprised at all, but glad that Angela stuck to her rule and is remaining true to her belief system.

The problem I have is the view of the public. As I fished around some celeb gossip sites the last few days, I was a little disturbed. For those who acknowledged the show and provided feedback were very negative about Angela's claim. They basically called her a liar and refused to believe that any 20 something year old chick prefers waiting to spread eagle before meeting her husband.

I know this is 2009 and I recognize that every sitcom, cartoon, film, and commercial finds some kind of way to mention matter what. I also understand the STD rate amongst African American women is out of control. I am also fully aware that many women her age carry condoms like lip gloss and treat sex like a sport. I am all about having your own protection if you are active and using it 100% of the time. But, why is it so hard to believe a young, famous, attractive, and successful female actually wants to save herself for her husband?

I take this personally as I reflect on my collegiate years. I spent 5 years at an HBCU ( needed 1 year to party) defending my morals and beliefs when it came to sexual intimacy. Granted I was a natural flirt and didn't have any problems meeting fellas on and off the yard. Despite all that, I was very "tight," if you will, and I wanted to keep it that way. My girls knew how I was and understood my reasoning of waiting, even if they didn't follow suite. But plenty of others thought I was frontin when they heard I wasn't giving it up...especially since relations seemed to be a chapter in the rites of college passage. But, the fellas knew who were on the receiving end of my objection to take it further.

Therefore, I applaud Angela. In fact I give her a standing ovation for the nerve to go against the sex grain. We are so used to grime and grit and filth and immorality that we hate on the just and the righteous and the pure. We believe in lust and swinging and adultery. But, we wouldn't dare imitate or celebrate virginity and born-again virginity.

Even if this storyline is another embellishment of the reality trend, I appreciate MTV for putting this topic on blast. Maybe the more it is discussed amongst the masses, the more people will hold out for matrimony.

After all, do you really want every Quan, Rashad and Mike to report back to the crew on your pock, lock and drop it routines behind closed doors??

1 comment:

  1. Not your pop, lock and drop routines...girl okay!! That's right Angela you better save yourself honey for the man that's worth giving it to. Cause these shady suckas out here aren't interested in monogamy. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache and pain just waiting it out. It's definitely an accomplishment and something to be proud of. It takes strength and go head Angela and keep it tight. Honey cause these jive turkeys don't appreciate it or you. They just take you for granted so keep it to yourself. Wait till Jesus taps you on the shoulder and says that's the one. Hopefully she inspires other young girls to wait.

