Monday, January 26, 2009

1st Date w/ Ex-Hubby: Part 2

My mother and sisters knew my feelings for Ty. Because mom knew him and his family very well, she looked past the age difference. He came from good stock, as she would say. His parents are good people and he has a good future. The boy loves the Lord too. You can't go wrong with that. Yep, mom was all about Ty. So, when I shared what just took place as we rode home from church, they were all giddy. The first thing Teri thought about is my attire. I hadn't made it that far in my thoughts, as I am still basking in the moment. However, she brought up a valid point. I have to be fly. This will be the first time Ty sees me outside of a church function. What do I wear?

After a day of shopping with the Soul Food crew that day, I chose an adorable sleeveless Calvin Klein khaki dress that fell just above the knee. I worked out and ate well, so my body was cut. It outlined my curves perfectly. I wore Anne Klein olive colored sandals with an olive colored purse. I thought I was too cute at 17. I would get my nails and my hair done Saturday morning before the date. I was ready for Ty.

When he called Monday as promised, we decided to see a movie, have an early dinner and let the rest of the evening come as it may.

Saturday afternoon, I slip on my dress as Ty calls to say he is on his way. I apply mascara and a bit of lip gloss as I become increasingly nervous. I tried to keep my cool for my mom and sisters, but I was the most beautiful way.

Ty arrives at the house. I wait a few minutes before I make my way towards the kitchen to make my entrance. I walk in, and he beams. Wow, is he beaming for real, I think to myself. Is it possible he is as excited as I am?

Ty walks me to the passenger side of his luxury car and puts me in. He gets in and we proceed to ride the streets of the A. Before we get to the movies, he says he needs to grab a bite to eat quickly. Of course I am fine with anything we do today. He stops at McDonald's to grab a burger. Yep, like Carrie and the Russian. It was nice. I don't know what we talked about. I just know as we left the arches, he took my hand in his. It felt even more whimsical than I could have ever dreamed. Lord, let this night last forever.

Knowing every choice we made tonight would be about me, I chose to see the film Anaconda. I never enjoyed horror movies or anything dealing with reptiles. But, honey I was with my husband. And I wanted to feel safe with him. So he purchased tickets for the show. As we sat in our seats before the film started he whispers, "Now, if you get scared, you just lean this way. I got you." Boy, you ain't said nothing but a word. And I did exactly that. I jumped, and he wrapped that arm around me for the rest of the movie. *Inhale* This man smells delicious. I can stay here forever in his arms.

The movie is over, and we ride the city for hours. He shows me some nooks and crannies hidden in pockets of Atlanta. Neighborhoods I had no clue existed. He shared some life stories with me and fun times he had at Morehouse. We talked about what we wanted out of life. He grabbed my hand when he talked about the future. There we are. Hands clasped, listening to smooth jazz, exhaling the sweet aroma in the air. Only we exist right now.

Ty parks the car in a parking lot and we talk some more. He tells me places he wants to take me on our next date. He leans over and kisses my cheek. We sit there with hands held in silence for a while. Rain began to fall, which created a romantic backdrop for this majestic moment.

After hours of getting to know each other, Ty took me home. We sat in the car for a while before he walked me to the door. I wanted to kiss him, but I was afraid to. It's crazy because Buttafly has never been afraid to make a move if the flutter is there. But, I let him lead. He kisses my cheek again and tells me he looks forward to us going out again. We agree to do this again in 2 weeks. He tells me it will be a day full of surprises.

He calls me when he gets home. We remind each other to be careful at church the next day regarding our interaction. We both know we are not supposed to be dating, even though we were all out in the open today. But, neither of us can wait another year. I thank him for the night and we say goodnight 12 times before we actually hang up the phone. This could be the start of something really nice.

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