Monday, January 26, 2009

1st Date w/ Ex-Hubby:Part 1

I reminisced on the most wonderful 1st date I have experienced to date. I was a teen and he was 6 years my senior. Love struck, I had the wedding ceremony, attire and location finalized in my dreams. Yes, I was naive enough to think this young man would wait for me to graduate high school and college before the proposal. I affectionately called Ty my husband to everyone....except him of course.

12 years ago, my pastor recited the benediction at the close of Sunday's worship service. As usual, I would try my best to ignore Ty as I fellowshipped with my church family. You know how it is at the church you grew up in. Sundays are weekly family reunions with people who are not your blood relatives. But, they have watched you mature and want the best for you, for the most part. Some you love and just pray for them.

I beeline towards the pulpit to speak with my pastor/father-figure. As I wait in the short line, I spot Ty walking my way. I consciously turn my back away from him and began to mingle with anyone within 5 feet of me. My heart beat is picking up the pace.

You see, Ty and I would dance around each other all the time at church. The flirting was very subtle, but just enough to make me fall in love. At this point, we have known each other 2 years and clicked. Again, he is older so he was supposed to be a big brother. And he tried to keep it that way until this year rang in. I don't know what it was, but something changed in him. He lingered around me more, his hugs lasted longer, he would gaze at me sometimes. We were both very active in church and seemed to want many of the same things out of life. But our age difference bottled any desire I would ever have to simply hold his hand and lay my head on his shoulder.

My pastor recognized the chemistry between us and invited me to talk with him in private some months prior to this moment. He let me know he knew Ty would be great for me one day. But I had to graduate high school before we could date and matriculate through college before taking it to the next level. He took the role of my father when my dad. He knew what was best and that was that. I unwillingly agreed to 1 more year of church hugs...sigh.

Still talking to church members, my heart starts to pound in my chest.

faster. louder. louder. faster.

I feel the static from his presence pulling me as I know he's coming closer to me. I continue chatting as I command my heart to slow the pace just a taste. I take a slow, deep breath as Ty slips his arm around my waist to guide my body...twisting a 180 towards him. I see his face and I say, "Oh, hey boy. I was wondering who is trying to man handle me." His arm never leaves my waist as he starts to laugh that pauses with little snorts. He could be so goofy. Intelligent, man of God, handsome, prestigious background, and just as goofy as can be. That was one of the reasons I loved him so.

He has never held onto me so long before. I was thinking what is really going on. But, I kept my game face on. At the same time, I was enjoying this freeze in time. Ty was a great catch at the church. Many women poised their daughters to be his better half. I admit. I was a hater sometimes. But right now, in this moment, he was in my space. Eyes locked, his right hand resting on my right hip. Buttafly, don't lay your head on his shoulder girl. Keep it together.

I snapped out of it. I had to. Just as I turned to face him, bidding him farewell until next week, he says, "What are you doing this Saturday?" Before I could respond, he continues "I was thinking we could hang out somewhere. You know, make a day of it. Whatchu think?" Say what? Did my husband just ask me on a 1st date? The college graduate? The most eligible bachelor in this church? He is waiting on an answer, B. Speak, girl.

"Well, I don't have plans at the moment. What do you have in mind?"
"First things, first. Put your number in my phone and I will call you tomorrow. We'll go wherever you want to go. I'll make it happen."
"Sounds good."

Somebody please pinch me. No, wait...let me have my dream if this isn't real. I have been waiting on this moment for a very long time. Here it is, and I have no clue what to do with it. I gathered my thoughts and picked up my charm again as I saved my number in his cell. I placed the phone in his hand, leaned into his chest, grazed his cheek with mine, gave him a peck on that same cheek, and left him standing there.

I walked towards my Pastor hoping he didn't see what just went down. He welcomed me with open arms. Good, he has no clue I have a date this Saturday.


I'm not dreaming...

1 comment:

  1. You got me into the story...rushing to read part
