Sunday, January 11, 2009

Drummer Meets Girl

I told you this weekend would produce a story. I must admit it's nothing new. Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Boy attempts to get to know girl. However, I was true to my word. No guy get my digits right now. No matter how fly. To my surprise, this guy didn't ask for my cell number. Instead, he leaves me with a business card and the request to contact him. Should I?

As planned, I took my Ace to the south side for her official introduction to the SWAT. We checked out Morris' chiseled, dark chocolate frame in Not Easily Broken at ATL Movies in the Marketplace. That reminds me of something I have to mention. Maybe I have been blinded by his swag all these years (post Rickey from Boyz in the Hood) and missed this minor, yet noticeable detail. Does anyone know Morris' grill is not all that tight? On the right-hand side of the bottom row, there is a space I had no clue existed before. Now, he is still super sexy and this flaw does not subtract any points from his well deserved 10+. I just wonder if I am alone in this observation.

I forgot to ask my Ace about my discovery. But, you will find once you view the film, and I do recommend this to EVERY 25 and over adult, the writing and emotions are delivered in such a way that minor physical details are easily forgotten. With the exception of Taraji's wardrobe. Her character portrays a successful, real estate tycoon who has the tendency to try keeping up with the Jones'. But, I'm saying. The stylist couldn't put my girl in something more than bargain basement business suits and "made in China" looking like pumps?? I'm still mad about that.

Okay, back to the point. After the movie, we ate wings and things at The Ultimate across the street. The wait was ridiculously long and the service was so pathetic that I swore I would never patronize them again. Let's not forget how we both left the premises with headaches due to the booming 808s. Then I remember I swore this place off more than once before. Apparently, I need to write these things down. My belly was full, but Ace and I felt a the night shouldn't end this way. Ace suggested we check out the Wine Loft downtown. Bingo.

The Wine Loft is my new get-a-way spot. The ambiance is parallel to that of Love Jones meets The J Spot (Girlfriends). The lighting is soothing; the suede, mocha couches are comfy; and the wine is delicious. This is where the story unfolds. Finally, I know. Just stay with me.

We are sitting across from the bar, next to the live band. The sax, drums, keys and bass delivered some throw back sounds from Earth, Wind and Fire, Stevie, Maxwell and the gheri curl having Michal Jackson. The one from Off the Wall and Thriller days. The band was definitely jammin on the one. I swayed back and forth, waved my hands in the air and closed my eyes thinking back to some good times. As I sang without any attempt of staying in tune, I noticed Drummer smiling at me. I didn't think much of it because the Riesling caused me to smile at everyone. However, I felt his vibe when I wasn't looking his way. Uh oh, this guy is going to say something to me. Yes, he is attractive. But, I'm focused on making Buttafly better. So, I'm not interested.

After enjoying 2 sets of feel good music and 2 glasses of wine, it was time to make an exit. As we put on our coats, Drummer puts in his bid and says he wants to talk to me. Before I could say anything, he gives me his card and asks me to contact him. I took the card, smiled and told him my name before saying goodnight.

Now, I have this card in my possession. It's sitting in a compartment in my purse. I'm not calling him. It's nothing personal, it just is what it is. Luckily for him, his email address is included. In this case, I might email him. Maybe. Not sure yet. No promises. But, I might. We'll see.

Focus, Buttafly, focus...


  1. I think you want to e-mail him (lol). Go for it!

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