Monday, January 26, 2009

1st Date w/ Ex-Hubby: Part 3

After church service the next day, I anxiously awaited for Ty to come my way. But, he never did. He nervously smiled from a far, but quickly looked away. Okay, wait. I know we are to be careful, but everyone knows we are friends. What are you doing? Ty didn't call me that evening either. Or the next day or the days after that. The next Sunday, the same thing. Ty was avoiding me. What is going on? What happened in between the 12 hours that passed between our date and church service. Is there someone else? I check Ty's interaction with others to see if he is dating someone else at the church. No, he's not. He hasn't changed with anyone...except for me.

Now, I'm hurt. I am angry, upset and annoyed. I just can't understand it. I refuse to call him. I can't do it. Did I really just get played? But, I should call him and go off. That would make me feel better. Okay, no. I would be really stupid to do that. It would look childish. That's it. I'm too young for him. He thought about it, and now he doesn't want to do this anymore. Okay, but wait. You weren't thinking that when you were holding me and talking about the future. Wow...I got played. I straight got played. I never should have let my guard down. Wow, I thought he was different. Humph. I guess I am done. Yep, I'm done with him.

A few months pass, and Ty starts to come back around. But, I don't give him a chance. I totally ignore him. If I couldn't avoid him, I would say a quick hello and walk away. I don't want to hear excuses. I'm done with you. You still haven't explained yourself. You act like our 1st date never existed. So, I will treat you the very same way.

Years go by. I move out of state to attend an HBCU. I finally divorce Ty in my mind and move on with my life. I fall in and out of love in college. I mature and grow and begin to find my place in life. When I visit home, I barely see Ty at church because he travels on the job 80% of the time. I missed seeing him sometimes, but I was over him and was enjoying my blissful being.

I graduate from college, and return to the A to live. Ty moved on to another church and I hardly see him around the city. I may run into him once a year...if that. A few years ago, my play aunt makes a confession to me. She said Pastor found out about my date with Ty from a church member who saw us at the movies that night. Pastor forbade Ty the next morning from seeing or talking to me outside the church walls. He forbade Ty from talking to me about it and said he would be the one to do so. Ty assumed all these years that I knew everything, but blamed him for what happened. He thought I chose to be angry at him instead.

I spent a year's worth of time showering Ty with "I don't care about you" energy. Who knows what could have happened if things played out differently. I'm not mad at Pastor because he thought he was doing the right thing. He was being daddy. I just wished he would have been honest with me.

Everything happens for a reason, right? If nothing else, I will always have the magical memory of my 1st/last date with my ex-husband, Ty.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww!!! What a sweet story. It's interesting how life happens, huh? At least the mystery was solved for you....even if it was YEARs later!
