Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My President Is...

Ya'll know Jeezy set it off last year prophetically claiming his President was going to be Barack Obama. Many of us had hope, but we were holding our breath that the election didn't mirror that of 2004. We all tried to forget the rumors and the actual facts swept under the rug of that so-called victory. It's okay, we all thought. We will dust off and get back in the trenches to try this again... in this game of voting and politics.

The grassroots campaigning was such a success that it reached the entertainment world and the elite like never before. The average Joe and Sean made donations to Senator Obama's website. We registered people to vote. We discussed the elections as we gathering for social occasions. We tuned into CNN and became very familiar with the likes of Wolf and Campbell and Roland and Cafferty. We urged the need for change at the beauty and barber shops. Our ministers recalled the Civil Rights movement to push the vote. People sported Obama-Biden shirts, pins with the Obama family, put bumper stickers on their cars, females designed Obama art on their nails at the salons, and fellas carved Obama's name in their hair cuts.

For 2 years, the unexpected communities actively and tirelessly participated in the election process. We could smell victory and we had to ensure it came this time around. The time was out for waiting. The time was now.

We all shouted praises to God and finally gained unwavering faith that unity is what makes this thing work November 4th. We made travel plans to DC with our families in the midst of a recession. We put our money together to get there anyway we could. Many felt it was more than necessary when "our" President took his oath.

Others not able to attend the Presidential Inauguration in D.C. took the day off from work or school to gather with those closest to us. Some listened to radios, watched the I-casts, or assembled with co-workers and classmates in auditoriums and lunch rooms to watch the most special moment of all our lives.

January 20th arrives. It is 19 degrees in Washington. Approximately 2 Million people huddled together in love. Anticipation was felt globally as the human race eagerly anticipated the first glimpse of the President-Elect as he stepped onto the platform just before noon to put on his armour of authority. Head held high, shoulders broad, poker face with a slight smile, fresh confidence as he followed Michelle and his staff onto the platform.

Mr. Obama emerges from his seat, along with Michelle, Malia and Sasha towards the podium. Michelle holds the special Bible used once to inaugurate President Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Obama's model president. Within 20 seconds, President-Elect transforms into President Barack Hussein Obama before our eyes.

What did I feel? Pride. Victory. Unity. Joy. Emotion. Faith. For some reason, I didn't scream while others did. I simply kept my eyes fixed on this man who is the world's new leader for the next 8 years (I am learning from Jeezy). The man who will lead this human race as he follows God.

My President is Black. My President is Hawaiian. My President is American. My President is a Dad. My President is a Husband. My President is a Friend. My President is a Brother. My President is a Man of God. My President is a servant for the people. My President will change this world with love and the help of us all.

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