Thursday, February 19, 2009

V-Day Madness: Momma's Boy

After a night of jamming on the One with Dance Fever and chatting it up with Hershey til 2 in the morning, I was happy to make it to my bed early Saturday morning and catch some much needed zeez. My circle clearly understands beauty rest is an essential part of my life. After all, clinical research shows regular 8 hour sleepers (along with a balanced diet, exercise, plenty of water consumption, and daily prayer/meditation) tend to live longer, healthier lives. I plan to get my Tina Turner and Eartha Kitt on at til I'm least.

Any who, I woke around 10 a.m. and reflected on the previous night. It was a good night. Good times all around. I was re-thinking the idea of hitting the town again in later that evening. I really need to check out Nordstrom's sale to purchase a "Michelle O" dress to wear at a formal tea the following day. Maybe Ace and I can hang out at the mall a bit, grab something to eat and call it a night around 9 or 10 p.m. I talk to Ace, and she agrees. We are both still in recoup mode.

In the midst of all this, Hershey calls just to say hello. I quickly find out he is not a talker and has very limited phone conversation. I have been with this kind before. It's going to be rather difficult to get to know him as an friend. Hmm...we shall see. Ace is all about him, though. She couldn't care less about Dance Fever. She is the head coach of Team Hershey...and he doesn't even know it. Funny.

I pick her up around 7 and we head to Perimeter Mall. I must mention briefly the fabulous sale available at Dillard's. I didn't even make it to Nordstrom as planned. Dillard's captivated me with rows of elegantly designed Ellen Tracy, Calvin Klein, and Tahari knit dresses that framed my shape quite nicely. How often do you find a lovely designer dress marked down under $35? I have vowed not to participate in the recession mind set. But, I appreciate the retail's desperate cry for consumers by slashing prices to darn near free. There is always a silver lining.

Feeling jubilant after making wise additions to the wardrobe, Ace and I head downtown to STATS to nibble on some nachos. We deliberately dressed down this evening to jeans, sweaters and comfy cute flats in the event we became enticed to repeat Friday night. We make it to STATS to enjoy the NBA Slam Dunk contest on the flat screens adorning the walls of this wanna be "upscale" sports bar. I cordially speak to an old flame I briefly dated 3 years ago as the host walks us to our table. 10 minutes after getting comfy, the host seats 3 in a booth across from us. Ace and I assume from body language and physical features 2 brothers decide to take their mom out on Valentine's Day. How sweet is that? Mom is completely smitten as she sits across from her boys in the booth. She is dressed in her fitted jeans and her white hair is perfectly combed in place. This is too cute.

Ace and I get down on the best nachos in the city of Atlanta, and begin to laugh about scenarios from the previous night. In the midst of laughter, Momma's Boy says to us, "Why are you all laughing at me? You know that's not nice." Caught off guard, my initial reaction was to look at his mom and apologize to her specifically with a nervous smile on my face. She just laughed at her crazy son as she is used to his antics. Okay, I get it. He's his own way. Cute.

Momma leans towards us to ask about the nachos as she decided on her good eats. They were virgins to STATS, so Ace and I schooled them on the menu. When their food arrived, I noticed mom didn't have cutlery. Treating her like an aunt, I took the extra from our table and offered it to her. I guess the waiter assumed momma did not it with her fish tacos. Who knows.

After paying the bill, we said our good-byes to momma and her sons. Momma's Boy was missing. I am sure momma will give him our love when he returns to the booth. Just as I hit the bottom step to the main floor near the exit, I look up to see him standing before me. My, it is amazing what good lighting does for you. He is actually attractive. Maybe 6'1." But, sir, did you buy that shirt in 1995? I'm trying not to be superficial. But I remember that one from my high school days.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Yeah, we're headed out."

"I would really like to call you sometimes. You know I have plans for us."

I smile, knowing full well this is nothing but game. Old school game at that. Dated. Like the shirt.

"Plans? That's cute. How old are you, sir?"

"E is the name. I'm 41. Is that too young for you?"

Are you kidding me? That is the perfect age for me. But, he doesn't need to know that. Because the shirt...I can't get past the shirt. And, as I look closer he is about 1 week over-due for a hair cut. Line too long at the barbershop this morning? I'm confused.

"It might be too mature for me. I'm only 20 something."

"How about I give you a call and we talk more. I can tell you about the plans I made for us when I first saw you."

Okay, he is hilarious at this point.

"How many kids, E?" I can look at him and tell he is a father.

"3. Two 18 year olds and a 17 year old."

No dice. No thanks. Nice meeting you. Go back to your momma.

Smiling, I reply "Well, E I am not dating right now. But, it was good meeting you. I hope you and the fam have a great Valentine's evening. I know you have made your mom very happy tonight."

Momma's Boy formed his mouth to reply, but I didn't give him the chance. I smiled at him as I turned to walk away towards Ace and Lucky Charm.

After thought: I bet he lives with his momma...

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