Wednesday, February 18, 2009

V-Day Madness: Hershey

Hershey and I laugh as we share a few casual jokes with one another. Suddenly, I hear "One More Chance" coming from the speakers. I turn to him with pure excitement saying we should hit the dance floor. He tells me he doesn't dance. Well, honey it's your loss. I make eye contact with Ace a few paces away, and we head to the floor. This is our jam, honey. And we just saw "Notorious" a few months we are still in Biggie mode.

Hershey leans on the railing that separates the dance floor and the walkway making direct eye contact with me. You know how girls are...we can dance with each other and have the best time without a man in sight. Still, it would have been nice if he dropped the hard leg pride and did a little 2 step with a sister. It's fine, though. I close my eyes, and imagine myself in the "One More Chance" video slowly walking by Zhane and Faith and Mary J and Patra as we all swayed to the beat. Now, that seemed like a seriously cool house party.

The song ends, I open my eyes, and Hershey still has his eyes fixed on me as he side eye chats with his boys. Who knows what they are discussing. No matter how fly and mysterious and cute this guy is, no deal, sir. is what it is.

T, Ace and I dominated the dance floor the next few songs as we discussed our next move for the night. T decided she would head back home to her Valentine. He's been around long enough for me to call him my brother. D is a good dude. I think he is a keeper. We give her hugs goodbye and tell her to text when she gets home. Yes, she is a grown woman. But, we look after each other. It's just what we do.

Hershey suggests Ace and I meet his friends over at 255 two blocks over. Yep, sure. We are down. 255 doesn't have a dance floor, but there is a pretty good deejay there on Friday night. Perfect. I have danced enough for the night. So, we drive over after the guys and run into some old friends from college once we hit the door. We separate from Hershey and his crew for aw while chatting it up with fellow AAMU Bulldogs. About 15 minutes later, Hershey finds me and invites Ace and I over to his table. This is where it gets interesting.

I have a seat at the table and start talking to Hershey about life, family, religion, work, and the economy. He asked me a question no man has ever asked me before. Well, no man besides my X. He asked what was my credit score. Wow, I am usually the one asking that question. I skim the topic of credit and last names as I just met this guy. I am not sure if he is genuinely interested or if he is into identify theft. So, I tread lightly. The least I can do is learn from past experiences and not allow history to repeat itself.

Well, interesting topics continue. Hersey asks me if I was dating anyone. Without divulging too much info I simply said I am choosing not to date right now. He just kind of looks at me while nodding his head. Then he says he is looking for a wife.

Whoa, Hershey.

But, wait. Who, am I kidding. This is the A. I have heard this before. No need to get nervous and think of ways to avoid taking this conversation further. But, he doesn't stop there. Nope. Hershey is not playing with me. He then talks about going on vacations. I mean, this brother set the scene for me. Strawberries, pineapples, kiwi fruit on the table of a beautiful hotel with sheer white curtains overlooking the sandy beaches. Nice set up. I could surely go for that right about now. I take his fantasy and make it my own. I begin to daydream about my freshly pedicured toes, glowing waxed legs, locs flowing with the wind from open windows, soothing music created from the breeze, delicious fruit with bottled water nearby. Yes, I saw that all. But, I see with it me, myself and I. Hershey, you are not there sweetie. I mean, you could be there one day if my research on you checks out and God releases me to date again in 6 months. But, for now...this mental escape has me quickly figuring a budget to stick with for the next few months to make that happen sooner than later for myself.

Anyway, I come back to reality and Hershey starts wrapping his arms around me. He pulls me in close to him. He doesn't say a word. But, he is letting me know he is interested with the tight hold he has on me. Minutes later, he thanks me for allowing him to meet me. He goes onto to tell me what he has that he could offer. The money, the cars, the house. He isn't really bragging. He wasn't arrogant about it. It just is what it is.

If he is what he says he is and has a few flaws that I could live with, Hershey could be a wonderful catch. He would allow me to be the star of the relationship. He would take care of the house, the cars, the finances, and make sure I'm happy. He seems to be the man that would feel good about telling his boys what he did for his woman. He has a great legitimate career now, but he admitted having a past out there in the streets some years ago. He even told me he served some years sporting the white jumpsuit. And the brother is a Christian. Loves himself some baby Jesus and grown man Jesus (only Meet the Browns fans would get that). But, no serious connection. I just don't feel that "it" factor. There was a time I would force it because he looks good on paper.

It's official. Buttafly is growing up.

Okay, God. I hear you. When God says no dating, He means no dating. Hershey would normally be the "perfect" guy for me. Reformed thug turn Christian with legit job and only 1 teenage kid. Still, no dice. It's not time for all this right now. Wow...I have grown in 4 months...imagine that.

Since then, Hershey has called a few times, and I have called a few times. It's almost like God told Hershey the plan He has me on. His conversations are more on a friendly level instead of all the sugary sweet stuff he was pouring on me this weekend. Initially, I told Ace that Hershey is probably married or crazy. Maybe that would make me feel better. No, be real B. You know what it is.

How about it's not the right timing for Hershey. I am on God's plan.
Or how about Hershey and I are not made for each other. I am on God's plan.
Or even better, Hershey may become a platonic friend. I am on God's plan.
Or the best, Hershey and I will become friends until God releases me from my dating fast.

Either way, I am still on God's plan.

For the first time in my life, I don't have to tirelessly explain to a man why I must follow God's plan for my life. He just gets it without any explanation from me. And that is as sweet as Hershey milk chocolates...sweet enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you write really well. Great narrative.
    Just showing love.
