Friday, February 6, 2009

Free Yourself

You have no clue how happy I am right now. I am ecstatic, thrilled, delighted and...okay I don't have a thesaurus near me. But, you get the idea. Basically I am straight crunk at this moment for my home girl!

She would kill me if I gave a name that was remotely close to her own. So, I shall call her Ms. Diva. She has been dating the same guy for a few years. He seems to be a really good guy and has some pretty good characteristics. But, I truly don't think he is her Adam. We all know there is no time frame to set on anyone when it comes to putting a ring on it. It all depends on the 2 people in the situation and their circumstances. However, judging from what Ms. Diva has shared with me and and based on the body language and conversations I have witnessed in their presence, they are not on the same page entirely. Not when it comes to the future. Yes, he has been there in the thick times, but he is supposed to, right? Your family and friends and your man should support you when no one else does. So, no bonus points there.

Who am I, right? Just a concerned friend who loves Ms. Diva dearly. The only thing I can do is pray God gives her the wisdom and courage to see what is truly there and to see a man for who he is, not who you hope him to be. Especially when planning your future. So, I gave my 2 cents once or twice...but nothing more. Let God deal with it.

Well, things are starting to change. Lately, Ms. Diva has mentioned on a few occasions that she wants to build a team of men to date. Okay, but I want you to know in the past several years I have known her, that has never come out of her mouth. I was the one with the team, she was always in a relationship. So, when she uttered those words, I beamed with pride!! Like I was the mother hen watching my chick grow before my very eyes. I tried to contain my joy, but I think it was obvious I was relieved. Not only is she talking it, she is walking it. Ms. Diva has been on one outing with a potential while is continuing to build her team. A mutual friend of ours met someone who she thinks would hit it off well with Ms. Diva. The friend was hesitant to hook it up because the main dude is still in the picture. But, honey Ms. Diva is all about it. In fact, let me tell you how one of her weekends is going to go down. She will chill with Man B on evening, see Main Guy the next day, and the hook up guy that evening. I mean, how gangsta is that? You go from a one man woman to a team builder overnight!

I always knew she had the cat in her to play. All women have it. But sometimes it is sheltered and not discovered as early on as others. Maybe some suppress the play for fear that it would get out of control. Or maybe there is a fear of getting "caught." For some reason I feel as if she has been fooling us all the time and been creeping! Who knows. Whatever it is, I am just thrilled. Ms. Diva is freeing herself and having the courage to meet and greet with no strings... until The One falls through. And she will know who he is. She won't have to write a pros and cons list. She won't have to pray to God constantly to show her signs. He will show himself...I know he will.

Peace and Blessings, Ya'll...


  1. I am excited for her also. Men have their teams all the time. in fact, they usually don't play the dating game without having a solid team. I think many times because women love to be in meaningful relationships, we don't take the time and energy to entertain an interest in multiple people at one time. But it is a new year. So, let's do some new things. I say all of us should start scouting for

    Best wishes to you girlfriend!

  2. How awesome it is to discover one's true self. I salute your girlfriend and believe that you should keep her in prayer that God will lead and answer her prayers!

