Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pursue w/o Support

Okay, people. So what do you do when people, better known as your family, don't understand you? What happens when you decide to answer that calling to think outside the box and go for your dreams and aspirations. Do you forgo what God is calling you to and what your passions drive you to just because the mother who birthed you and is from the "retire from a corporate job" era thinks you are nuts. Do you re-think your choice that you prayed over because other family members look at you with question and talk at you about your passion because their brain does not function the way yours does?

People. Please listen to me. Everyone is not going to understand you or your passions or your Godly gifts or your calling. There will be many times in life where only you and God know your path is the perfect direction for you and your life. But, don't let that deter you for one minute or doubt yourself. It is very probable that you are the only one in your family who wants more out of life than to whip out a business card with a corporate name on it. You may want to do more than work a 9-5 in a cubical next to a stressed out co-worker who lives for his job. There may be a desire for you to paint, design clothes, write poetry, manage a club, become a makeup artist, own a beauty salon, become a world famous barber, become a photographer, produce music, become an herbal specialist. You may want to leave that great paying job and become a psychiatrist, or teacher or world traveler, or fight for AIDS or poverty. Whatever it is that your heart desires, whatever gifts God has given you, whatever skill you have that makes your heart pound when you think about it...DO IT!

People may not understand your vision now, and it is possible they will never understand it. Therefore, ask God to send you at least 1 person who believes in you for the physical support system you need in man. Write down your vision, research what you need to make it happen, gather your resources and go forward. No, it won't be easy. Trust me, I have to push myself to follow my dreams because everyone doesn't understand. But, I accept that we are all different and each person looks at life through their own view that their eyes give them. I keep trusting in God, I continue to believe in myself and I am fighting until I get "there." If Harriet Tubman, Thurgood Marshall, Ghandi, Malcolm, Martin, Shirley Chisolm, Barry Gordy, Cathy Hughes, John H. Johnson, and Barack H. Obama did it, so can you and I!!!

Peace and Blessings to you.


  1. Bird-
    I am loving your blog! Thanks for sharing this part of your world.


  2. From Godiva to Buttafly... lovin' the transformation! Keep evolving lil cuz... Dub Dub

  3. Umh....are you talking to someone in particular?! LOL! Like, me?! No know I have been down this road and you are so right. When God calls, you can try to ignore it and listen to the world if you want, but TRUST that He will keep calling and He will get louder and louder and make you more and more uncomfortable in your current situation. Thank you for being one of the people in my life who believe in my vision :).

  4. Isa you have been a rock for me during my transformations. Thank you for allowing God to use you to lead me to this Cocoon. :-)
