Monday, December 29, 2008

End of Christmas Blues

Does anyone else feel my agonizing pain? The Christmas season is declared over! According to southern traditions and Big Mama's superstitions, we are supposed to have all decorations tucked away in the used brown boxes by New Year's Eve. When New Year's Eve arrives, we have been programmed to prepare collard greens to represent the abundance of money and black eyed peas for...well honey I don't know what those disgusting little peas are supposed to represent. Oh, and if you wash clothes that day, you are washing something away. Not quite sure what that something is supposed to mean either. But, all of this in the name of tradition and superstitions. Call it new school, but I don't pay attention to any of that. In fact I want to start my own tradition.

What would you think of me if you walked in my home greeted by gold and red-themed festive Christmas decorations in March when everyone else is celebrating Spring? Would you really call me crazy if I am bumping Charles Brown's "Merry Christmas Baby" on a sunny July afternoon in my car, with the windows down next to you at the red light? Would you respond to me if I greeted you in passing at the mall with a smile on my face saying "Merry Christmas?"

In a perfect world, I would lead a revolution for all my fellow Christmas lovers on a journey making this a daily ritual instead of an annual holiday. I would march from the Gold Dome in downtown Atlanta to the Governor's mansion in Buckhead to 1600 Penn Ave in D.C. I would play a bit of Wii with Sasha and Malia and hug Grandma's neck before meeting with Mr. & Mrs. President Obama in the Oval Office to have green tea and Jiffy cornbread while we discuss the passing of Bill 1011: Daily Christmas. Surely our Commander-In-Chief would prioritize this into his top 20 things to do as the 44th.

Okay, okay. I know this world is far from perfect and you probably think I am taking this too far...even thought this is my Cocoon. :-) So, I will continue to hide Christmas very close to my heart and do what I have always done 364 days leading up to the next Christmas. I will hum my favorite Christmas tunes in my head, long to sip deliciously rich and thick egg nog(why isn't this tasty treat available daily??), and review visuals recorded in my memory of beautifully decorated trees and building throughout the city of Atlanta. I will celebrate Christmas everyday whether it's on the calendar or not.

Hey, maybe I am the only one who feels this way. I got the blues....the end of Christmas blues... and I got it bad...sigh...

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