Monday, December 29, 2008

Love or Convenience (Dream)

Okay guys. If you don't know Buttafly, you will come to understand that I dream very often. And the dreams speak to me in different ways. They may be about my life or someone else's. But, I am being obedient and writing them down as God has lead me to do. He is also leading me to share them with you. Maybe these dreams will speak to you, maybe they will be entertainment. Whatever the reason, thank you for allowing me to share with you.

So, last night I had a dream about being married. Keep in mind, I have never been married and did not believe in marriage some years ago due to fear. After prayer, purging, and facing fears from personal situations, I believe in all that God has to offer to me, including being the Eve for my Adam. Now, that you have background information, let's get back to the dream. So, I dreamt about this guy I will call Dave that I actually know who is a very nice and kind guy. I have never been attracted to him and we never dated. He has always been a platonic associate...truly platonic. In this dream last night, Dave and I were married and had an infant son for some reason. It seems that we were at our wedding reception with our family and friends. At one point, I was holding our son and handed him over to my new husband. When I did so, my husband took his thumb and pushed our son's head back in a slow motion by rubbing his neck up to his chin. The child appeared to be only 2 or 3 weeks old and seemed to be premature. I could not understand why Dave pushed our son's head back. As I took my son back from Dave, I looked at him and he looked at me. It seemed as if time stood still. We both knew without saying a word that we did not love each other. We spoke through our eyes in asking the other how did we let it get this far.

It occurred to me that Dave and I got married because we tried true love before and it didn't work in our favor. We were very good friends and familiar with each other and decided to be together because we didn't want to be alone. In the dream, I could feel that Dave was a genuine and kind man. But, I did not have a romantic love for him. I did not love him as a mate for me, as my life partner. I felt respect for him, but not love. Dave and I did like what many couples have done in this generation. We didn't wait for God to prepare us for our mates. In essence, we didn't trust God and took matters into our own hands which ultimately caused heartbreak, sadness, doubt and a long road ahead to untangle the mess we made.

I know people say most of us won't find true love because of several reasons society has brainwashed us with. All these statistics show so many marriages end in divorce. The media thrives off of infidelity and sexual immorality in relationships and marriages. It seems so many people believe having a child in a relationship that is broken will heal the dysfunction. Did it ever occur to any of us that so many marriages fail because they are created simply out of convenience (distraction from loneliness, heartbreak, economic status) instead of love??

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Byrd, this will hit a lot of people smack dab in the face! I love the way that you write... the ability to emote as well as inspire. God is just getting started with you and I am so very, very proud!

    Love you lots,
