Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Maintenance Man

Before your mind even goes there, I am not referring to the creeper some of you call to fix your pipes late at night. Nah, not going there today.

So, I visit my auto shop I trust to take care of my precious vehicle yesterday. She is over 15 years old, in great shape, looks well, and rides like a dream now. That's my baby. And since I refuse to have a car note for the next few years, I have vowed to care for her as if she is a 2010. I named her Mocha Mama** (name change to protect her privacy & mine) when I copped her almost 10 years ago.

I pull up to the shop parking lot, and I see Maintenance Man (MM) sitting behind his desk through the window. I walk in, share pleasantries, and patiently wait as he completes what seems to be an informal counseling session with a younger male customer. When the fellow exits the office and starts his engine, MM automatically divulges the synopsis of their convo without a word from me. Since forming my working relationship with MM a few months ago to do some major work on my baby, I have come to understand he tries to make "friends" with his customers. He is an older, southern guy who could talk to a tree stump all day long. Born and bred southerners such as myself usually meet people well, and MM is no different.

MM knows why I am here as I spoke with him last week. I called him before I arrived as a reminder. Therefore, there is no need to recap again. Keep in mind I am on my lunch break and am very punctual when it comes to work. Okay, MM I have 40 minutes for you to handle yours so I can be gone. What does MM do? He starts telling me about his women.

Initially, I listen and respond to some of his comments. He is 40 something, never been married, no children, and is almost ready to settle down. Not quite prepared for commitment, but he is headed that way according to him. MM tells me about these women currently on the roster. My Vanilla brother makes it plain that he doesn't enjoy the company of the ladies who share his racial background, but prefers Chocolate ladies. Okay, I can totally see that right now. He likes a challenge and is a bit out of the box. But, MM tends to hook up with mothers and 40 year old grandmothers. He goes for the ladies who just got out of a relationship 2 weeks ago, but doesn't want to be the rebound guy.

*Ouch! Played that position before.*

He loves to take them on weekend trips, but complains when they become too attached in his eyes. MM shows me a pic of a particular sistah who seems to tickle his fancy. He smiles as he talks about how adorable she is. In the next breath he explains how after 3 weeks of dating she started asking him about the future. He claims it was too much for him. But, why is it 5 weeks later and her face is your iPhone screen saver? MM, what is really going on with you, sir? And has anyone pulled my car into the garage yet?

30 minutes pass by, and MM has not done a thing to my car. I have 10 more minutes to get back on the clock at the ship. I really have to get the keys to that spaceship Kanye is gassing up right about now. I wish I had more time to explore what the heck is going on inside his head for the sake of my invisible Detective prefix to my name. Does MM enjoy the cat and mouse chase? Has he caught feelings and doesn't know it? Or is it the classic case of investing too much time in what we know is wrong for us because it feels so darn good for the moment?

Great, so now I have to come back in a few days for him to actually do what he is being paid to do. I am tempted to ask more questions about his so-called love life on my next visit. Then again, I might regret that decision if I act on it. Seriously, though, something tells me I won't have to inquire at all. I have a feeling MM is going to update me as soon as I walk in the door...

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