Monday, March 23, 2009

Throwback Tuesday-Lil Mo

This Throwback reflects the space the crew and I are resting in. The ladies and I are either living this song or welcome the opportunity when it is presented. It always amazes me each detour destiny leads me on...especially when I thought I would be a "Playette" for several years to come. Ahhh, ignorance was once blissful living in my 20s.

Any who, enjoy the lyrics and the video link.

---by Lil Mo feat Fabolous

[Lil' Mo]
Baby, I'm at the point in my life when I'm tired of playing games.
I'm ready to settle down
I'm ready to buy a house
And I'm ready to change my last name
I'm ready to have some kids
Ready for the life to live
And all love has to give
I been your superwoman for so long
Ready to be your wife

Little M-O...

[Lil Mo]
Now that love's taken over
I'm 100% sure that it's here to stay
I ain't got no issues standing in my way
I ain't goin nowhere
You ain't goin nowhere so...

Let's make it official
We ain't gettin no younger baby
And I'm ready to be with you
Together for always
To have and to hold through sickness and through health
Marriage will be crazy baby

Can you live with it,
lovin me for life
To have and hold forever
Baby ride or die
til death do us part
Let's make it last forever

Are you ready to be happy babe
For the rest of your life
Cause I wanna be your future, yeah
And let's start a family
Cause I ain't goin nowhere
And you ain't goin nowhere
so let's make it official...

Let's make it official
We ain't gettin no younger baby
And I'm ready to be with you
Together for always
To have and to hold through sickness and through health
Marriage will be crazy baby

Can you live with it,
lovin me for life
To have and hold forever
Baby ride or die
til death do us part
Let's make it last forever

I'm ready to walk down that aisle in all white
And dedicate my life to you (yeah, yeah)
And live together happily ever after all

All I been thinkin bout is us
Slidin from weddings with bands on
Headin to San Juan, gettin our tan on
Girl, you must be forgettin your man's long
Most tuxes I have trouble gettin the pants on
And I know things run through your head when your man's gone
I come home have you sayin (Oh Boy) better than Cam'ron
We upsettin they plans on
Gettin they chance on
Gettin they hands on F-A-B-O

[Lil' Mo]
Can you live with it,
lovin me for life
To have and hold forever
Baby ride or die til death do us part
Let's make it last forever
Can you live with it,
lovin me for life
To have and hold forever
Baby ride or die
til death do us part
Let's make it last forever
Make it last forever
And ever and ever
Can you live with it, lovin me for life...

Boo'd Up

Time is on my side...oh, yes it is. The Rolling Stones said it best, and I must piggy back off the emotions felt on that one.

If I allow my mind to travel back in time 5-10 years ago, my crew and I all engaged in the sport of flirting. Some of us had steadies with some light flirtation on the side. And others of us chose to refrain from any commitments...we flew freely amidst the universe. No strings. No check-ins. No need to see each other on a regular basis. No questions needed to be asked. We were "Playettes" if you will.

We weren't "fast" as my momma would say. Contrary to what people thought, very few brothers were privileged to share any form of intimacy with us girls. We flirted, graced the men with our presence, dressed impeccably, and kept it interesting. Creating and maintaining a team of men was a favorite past time. Having several male friends, we heard their stories and vowed never to be "that chick" to be caught up. We thought like men and enjoyed every minute of playing the field.

Fast forward to 2008. The year of Change. We finally elect a Black President to run this Nation and influence the myriad of people across the globe. And honey, the crew is also all boo'd up. Can you believe it? Personally, I cannot. I realize it is a natural progression in life for most women. But, we never planned to be like most. We never were ordinary. We were the black cast of our own Sex in the City for goodness sake!

Currently, a few of us girls are married while the rest are in committed relationships or headed in that direction. What is the world coming to??? 2 of us (one of those being me) used to run from serious relationships and thought the single life would run its course til we were 70. I would then search for a widower to help me zip the backs of my dresses. lol! Okay, maybe I didn't expect to be a Playette at that age. But, I surely didn't see all this coming for any of us so soon. Sure, we have all been in relationships that were pretty good in the past. But, nothing that caused me to think about my future. Well, except for the infamous X. Maybe he set the pace. Prepped me for where I am now. Hmmm, thank you X.

And let me say I am not that independent chick earning $150k, my dream loft in the city, the black drop top 6 series BMW, and a puppy named Pepper. I don't want to be Oprah living with some man in an unhappy house. I don't want to be the exec who is overly stressed and consumed with regular anxiety attacks. Bottom line, I refuse to be Sanaa Lathan's character from Something New....until ole blue eyes came in the picture and turned her world upside down for the better.

While I used to jam to Beyonce singing "Me, Myself, & I" a few years ago, things have changed for me. At one point the lyrics were therapeutic as it spoke to pain and frustration of the past. Today, I am well acquainted with myself. I think myself and I are truly best friends and know each other very well. I've enjoyed this part of life thoroughly. Wouldn't trade it. Thanks, Beyonce. However, just as you have, it's time for me and the crew to move on, girl.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Upper Room

make alone distractions...turn off the phone...turn off the TV...turn off the radio...turn off the email...meditate and invite God in...He will give you serenity and free you from bondage...

I Lift My Hands

"Jesus the Lamb, the great I Am.
Wonderful and matchless King.
The Word on Whom I stand.
Giver of Life to every man.
I lift my hands and worship in Your presence.
I lift my ands and worship in Your presence. "
--The Arkansas Gospel Mass Choir

Say Yes

"Will your heart and soul say yes
Will your Spirit still say yes
There is more that I require of thee
Will your heart and soul say yes
Now will your heart and soul say yes
Will your Spirit still say yes
If I told you what I really need
Will your heart and soul say yes

(Lead's adlib)
Open up your heart and tell the Lord Yes
Say yes, yeah yeah
Say I'll obey Jesus,
I won't stray Jesus
But this time I've made up in my mind,
I've made up in my mind
I'll say, say say yes
My soul says yes,
my mind says yes,
my heart says yes, yes,
yes I will Jesus,
Yes, Yes

I'll do what you want me to do
I'll say what you want me to say
I'll go, if you lead me, if you lead me, if you lead me, if you lead me, if you lead me I'll go

Lift your hands and tell the Lord yes
Come on open up your heart and say
yes, yes, yes
ALL God wants is yes, all God wants, all God wants, all God wants is yes
I won't be afraid
I'll step out on your word
I'll declare your glory
Yes I will, Yes I will
I wanna do your will Jesus, I wanna do your will, I wanna do your will

My soul says yes, yes, yes,yes (repeat)

Yes (repeat)
There is more that I require of thee (repeat)
My soul says Yes
---Shekinah Glory

Welcome, Holy Spirit

To all my beautiful people out there, I send my agape love to you.

Tonight, I had an unexpected, yet beautiful and peaceful visit from The Holy Spirit.

I completed a very productive conference call tonight around 8:15 with the fellow Kingdom servants working on the production I mentioned to you (Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church). After the call, I tuned my Internet radio to my beloved young brother, CoCo Brother. I connected to him some years ago on the Hip Hop station in the A as he proclaimed his love for God...unashamed. CoCo's show is called the Spirit of Hip Hop and reaches out to the young and the old. Check him out whenever you can weekdays from 7-10 p.m. E.T.

I haven't listened to him since Sunday, but God lead me to it tonight. As I typed up the recap of the meeting, I listened as a young girl called in seeking CoCo's prayers for her sister who is incarcerated. The teen began to gasp for breath as the strong holds placed restlessness and pain in her spirit. CoCo's wife, Joann, recognized this instantly and began to pray. Sensitive to the youth, I cried out to God on her behalf. As Joann prayed, the Holy Spirit surrounded me in my living room. Before, I knew it, my arms were raised to the sky and I repeated "Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus." His name was the only word my mouth would utter. Tears streamed down my face as I felt the Holy Spirit rest in my belly.

As I worshipped on behalf of the young caller, others began to call in the show and ask for prayer. Joann sang praises to God and CoCo started to pray. The Holy Spirit stayed with me and instructed me to move. I placed the notebook from my lap to the couch. I removed myself from the cushions, and laid prostrate before God. As I lie on the carpeted floor, peace came all over my body. I couldn't speak a word. I was still and listened to the prayer of a Pastor that resounded from the speakers. I thanked God silently for this experience. For walking through my place and allowing me to praise Him all by myself with no distractions.

As I continued to worship, God lead me to send a text message to a very dear person in my life. At this time, we are not engaging in conversation as we are obedient to God's plan. But, I texted the exact words God deposited in me to give to him. Only he and God know what that message meant to him in this time. I have learned when God says move, be obedient and do so. Even if it is uncomfortable or seems strange at the time. Because he is a true believer, he gets it. Side note: it's important to live, play, worship and praise with fellow believers.

After all was said and done, God allowed me to complete my recap. I checked my email, and what do I receive? A word of encouragement from a God sent worshipper. I know his words were from God's heart to my eyes to read.

Thank you God. I love You. I praise You. I worship You. I live for You. As a work in progress, please direct my path and guide me when I am clueless. Forgive me for not being everything you want me to be, but thank you for being more than I used to be.

In Jesus Name...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Throwback Tuesday-Teddy P

Teddy P has been on rotation in my CD player at work all day. Yes, I said CD player. I actually own an iPod. But, it's something taking my time to flip through the collections at the record stores. I prefer that over downloading. Again, another old school trait trapped in this 20 something year old body.

Check out the real deal, player music from the 70's. Love this song. Take note my brothers...

You're My Latest My Greatest Inspiration
--Teddy Pendegrass

I've been so many places,
I've seen so many things
But none quite so lovely as you
More beautiful than the Mona Lisa
Worth more than gold
And my eyes have the pleasure to behold

You're my latest and my greatest
My latest, my greatest inspiration

Things never looked clearer,
peace within never felt nearer
My burden's gone, it's turned to a song
Tender as a baby's touch,
I needed you, oh, so much
At last the load is so light


I plan to give you all that I have
I'll be everything, everything you think I am
You make life a joy to live
And I'm thankful, yes, I'm blessed just to know you

I've been so many places,
I've seen so many things
But none quite so delectable as you
More beautiful than the Mona Lisa
Worth more than gold
And my eyes have the pleasure just to behold


You inspire me, inspire me
Don't you know, my latest, my greatest inspiration
You keep just keep on liftin' me up now
You inspire me, I want you to keep liftin' me up
I want you to keep on liftin' me up
See, you got me, you got me doin' things
I've never done before
See, you inspire me, you inspire me
Don't you know I love you, girl
Hey, hey, hey
Mmm, mmm, hmm
You, you, you, you keep on liftin' me
Higher, higher, you, you, you keep on liftin' me
Oh, oh
You keep on liftin' me
You keep on liftin' me
You know what you do to me
Come on keep on liftin' me

He was either waist deep in love or had the tightest game of all time. Either way, I appreciate the lyrics. Thanks Teddy...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finally, BET...

Finally, BET is being responsible and taking charge of what is relative to the youth and chocolate folks living in 2009. Finally, the network is recreating platforms that mirror programs shown back in the day.

Remember Teen Summit? I recall getting up on Saturday morning, brushing my teeth and washing this brown face, and headed to the kitchen. I poured my Fruity Pebbles in the bowl, covered it with milk, and wrapped myself in a blankey to sit in front of the floor-model TV to watch Teen Summit. The show was so informative, and creative, and enlightening. There was no trace of hood rich flava or ghetto mess. The platform didn't include big butts in tight spandex, or brothers wearing baby-oiled chests with pants hanging to their knees. It actually had substance and helped to shape my growing mind at the time.

When that show ended some years ago, Cousin Jeff (with his beautiful self) came on the scene. He was the brother with the long locs, talking serious business. But, what did BET do with him? Put him on during the hours no one was at home. Like 11 p.m. on a Friday. Or at 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. Are you kidding me? They set the brother up for failure. He was too intelligent. Too real. Too much like right since Viacom took over.

But, I am beginning to have a little bit of faith in the network again. Today I see Rocsi and Terrance dedicating the 106 & Park show putting the topic of domestic abuse on blast. Instead of showing full-length music videos, there are chocolate writers, psychiatrists, djs and vjs discussing this wide spread epidemic from A to Z. Today, I am proud of BET.

Since Chris and Rihanna's episode, I have been so incredibly angry at anyone who supports abuse. Ya'll know. I have been very upfront about it with you. People ask if I take it personally because it happened to me. But, that's not the case. No man has ever hit me or talked crazy to me. And if they did talk crazy, I got crazy back before I ended the 'ship. Yet and still I took it all personally. I am a "it takes a village" girl. I'm old soul and believe if one hurts, we all hurt. So you can imagine how outraged I became when reports surfaced that Ri linked back up with her attacker. I wondered where is her support system? Truth be told, I wanted to know why hasn't her dad or some male cousins put the fear of brimstone and fire into that boy???

Because of BET, I now see God's hand in this. It's on Extra. It's on Oprah. It's in Essence. It's on Ellen. This is opening the floor for my 9 year old inquisitive niece to ask the questions you hope you would never have to address until the teenage years. But, it's necessary. My family has been teaching her to love herself deeply and to appreciate her worth. Now the media is co-signing what we are depositing in her on the regular.

God used 2 high profile and influential young celebs to help heal a community. No longer angry or disheveled, I thank God for exposing this disease that infects 1 out of 3 teenage girls. The abusers won't have any place to run and hide. However, these shows are providing avenues for them to get help as well. The Christian in me says an abuser can be restored. I still need ya'll to pray for a sistah. I'm not all the way there yet.

But to think, I almost gave up on BET. There is hope. There is faith. There is charity.

Peace and so much love to each one of you...

Changing a Generation presents...

Obviously I need 30 hours in a day to make it all happen these days. Think I can propose some legislation to stretch it out?? Okay...maybe not. Just a thought.

I haven't much time to write to you these days. I am busy working for the church, ya'll. So that's a good thing. It's a great thing, actually. No one said working for the Lord is easy...but it is gratifying as long as it is acceptable in His eyes. I am right where I need to be.

If you are in the A in April and want to come check out the play and the concert, I promise you won't be disappointed. In celebrating Resurrection season (Easter) we have some major award winners on deck and a powerful message that will change your thought process. The play is going to have a major effect on the youth and young adults. Receive a great message, get your praise on, and get that good worship in. I would love to have you there.

Talk to you real soon...I promise. Peace.
For Immediate Release

Attention Mass Media:
Contact: Alan Villavasso (770) 682-7416

Changing a Generation is resurrecting lives through major stage production and concert

Decatur, GA-Get ready for the most anticipated and anointed production of 2009! After the overwhelming response from last year’s play, Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church, pastored by world renowned Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr., is bringing forth a two fold production that is sure to transform the lives of a generation! The play will open curtain Friday, April 10th at 7:30 p.m. and the concert will be held Saturday, April 25th at 6 p.m.

Truly empowered by the Holy Spirit, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. has served in the pulpit for over 35 years and is no stranger to proclaiming the Word of God through the vehicle of music. A compelling influence to the gospel industry and accomplished recording artist, Bishop Morton has won countless Stellars and award nominations for several musical projects such as Healing Hands, We Offer Christ, As For Me & My House, Crescent City Fire, Let it Rain and Still Standing.

The purpose of the play “Another Chapter: The Saints with Resurrection Power” and concert “Moving Forward with Resurrected Praise” is to breathe a new life of testimony into the Christian and re-kindle a desire to share the gospel. Changing a Generation also looks to create a spark in the unbeliever by sharing the love of Jesus Christ that will transform him into an empowering believer. The production is FREE OF CHARGE to the general public and will be performed at Changing a Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church located at 4185 Snapfinger Drive in Decatur, Georgia.

This production is being spiritually led under the direction of Elder Eugene C. Brown, Jr. who went from Military to Ministry to Music. A polished military 20 year career led Elder Brown to ministry traveling from one end of the world to the other. He has previously performed with gospel greats Byron Cage, William Murphy, and Vanessa Bell Armstrong to name a few. He is currently serving as the Director of the Ministry of Divine Arts & Worship at Changing a Generation and his powerful vocals can be heard on Billboard charting projects such as Stellar Award winning Embracing the Next Dimension of Worship CD singing "Better than Life." He also sings the cover “More of Thee” on the Dove-nominated Full Gospel Baptist Church Choir project, Cry Your Last Tear.

Elder Rod Lumpkin II is the music director for this awesome production and currently serves as the Minister of Worship and Praise for Changing a Generation. A multi-talent, Lumpkin has produced and written for Stellar Award winning CD Embracing the Next Dimension of Worship featuring Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. Elder Lumpkin also received The People’s Choice Award for his arrangement on “Amazed”, and the nomination of the Caribbean Gospel Music Marlin Award for Best Production and Caribbean CD of the Year entitled Wave of Glory featuring Bishop Neil C. Ellis. Appearing on NBC’s Today Show and the 2005 World Series, Elder Lumpkin has performed “Heart of America” with Multi-Platinum selling recording artists such as Eric Benet, Wynonna Judd, and Michael McDonald.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ace Got One!

This is so cute to me. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

During V-Day Madness, Ace and I ran into a few fellow AAMU alumni. One of those fellas is a homeboy from the A who I met on campus before Ace and I became friends back in the day. Riverdale used to roll with a crew that was well known around the yard. A few thugs, a few suburban brothers, some were comedians, some sold weed. For the most part they all wanted something out of life and they all loved women...and all the women loved them.

So Ace and Riverdale clicked instantly and talked most of the night at 255. Of course they made the exchange of numbers with the promise to holla later. They are both attractive people with similar interests. This could be a cute spring relationship or it could last longer. Who knows...take it as it comes.

So, I school her on everything I know about him. I didn't have any negative comments or stories to tell. Everything is cool. They have been hanging out weekly and have those long, take you into midnight phone conversations. After asking Riverdale a series of questions, Ace came to the conclusion that he will remain in the friend zone. He is a cool guy, but he isn't long-term material for her. Okay, cool. That's what getting to know is all about, right?

Well, the other day Ace says she is discombobulated. She can't understand why she is thinking about Riverdale more often than not. She told him their friendship couldn't go any further, but she is getting the googly face about this dude. I already know what it is. This is my girl's 1st experience with an Atlanta man. The home grown, born and bred I mentioned. Yep...the swag is pulling her in even if she don't want gravity to have that control.

It might be something in the water or the corn meal or the chicken these brothers are raised on. Whatever it is, my girl is in for a ride...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coolest Cuttas--ATL Fellas

He asked me not to blog about him. So, I won't.

But, I will say this, my ATL men are the coolest cuttas around. Born and raised in Ben Hill (been real), the heart of the SWAT, I have always had a special love for my home-grown brothers. I am not talking about the transplants who claim Atlanta because they have lived here at least 10 years. I appreciate Luda and Usher for embracing the city's culture...and for loving it so much to rep it faithfully in their music. No matter how long the transplants remain here, they will never possess that finesse my A-Town brothers exude.

It's the walk, the slick game they may lay on you..or not. The "I can do anything you ask me too because I am THE man" attitude. They can be as simple as a stack of bricks, but still possess a certain charm to have you thinking of them at the oddest times. For the most part, the 28 and older crew are multi-dimensional brothers. Even my street hustlers are not simply thugs with cream.

Swagaliscious ATLiens like Tip, Andre 3000, Big Boi, Jeezy, Jermaine Dupri, Dallas Austin, Lil Duval, Brian Michael Cox, The Dream and Young Joc always represent. Even my throwbacks like Goodie Mob and Chris Tucker oozed of Atlanta flava. Every time I hear Bobby V's country twang during his interviews, I think of my high school days in College Park. And don't get me started on the original dream maker, Dr. M.L. King, Jr.

My love for the Atlanta man is as deep as my love for a plate of my momma's soul food dinners. And you know I don't play about sitting at her table very Sunday.

"A heaping helping of fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and collard greens too big for my jeans. Smoke steams from under the lid that's on the pot. Ain't never had a lot but thankful for the little that I got..." --Soul Food by Goodie Mob (1995)

For me, it just doesn't get any better than that...