Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ace's B Day-Part I

This weekend was another to write in the Buttafly Memoirs. If I ramble, forgive me. I am a bit delirious from the lack of sleep from the weekend. Yet, I felt the need to share before heading to dreamland.

Ace brought in another birthday in a banging way. It was pretty historical, if you will. Friday night was all about the ladies. We planned to dance like...well like we did Valentine's weekend. Therefore, we dressed in the fitted jeans, stilettos, and jazzy tops. I picked up Ace and Fee Fee as we headed just outside the A to bring in the weekend the only way we know how to...right.

We started out at the Velvet Room. It would have been a 1st for me at this spot since it is 800 miles away from my crib. But, Dougie Fresh, Biz Markie and Big Daddy Kane were scheduled to appear. Okay, for those who don't know me very well, Dougie fresh is my old school hip hop hubby. I don't know what it is about him. But, when he does his thing on stage...watch him. He tends to hit a little 2 step, and then he rubs his head while he rocks the mic. Wow, Dougie...don't do it to me like that.

Any who, so we arrive around 11:30 to find a long line wrapped in 3 layers of folks. Once we found our place in line and stood in the same spot for 15 minutes, I started talked to people next to me. A few ladies admitted they arrived to the line at 10:30. Ma'am? Are you kidding me? You have been in this same line, outside in this breezy weather for 1 hour? Oh, heck no. Time to go. We chalked up that $20 paid for parking and headed to Roswell Road to old faithful...Taboo 2 Bistro.

There is a story behind Taboo 2 that I must mention to you at a later date. It involves the singer, Tank, and the marriage proposal of 2 security guards. Yes, Ace and I had this adventure a few years ago. I still have pictures tucked away somewhere. Wow..the things you do in your early to mid-20s.

Back to my Taboo 2. We arrive and the line is fair. We stand there for about 20 minutes before coming inside to a heatwave at the door. It was jammed packed, but the music was on point. We headed to the bar to get the birthday girl a sip of her fav...anything with Vodka. I was the designated...so I consumed responsibly. After walking around to scope the scene, we rested at a bar table near the dance floor. We didn't rest our feet, because we never sat down! The DJ was on point. I can only tell you I heard Keyshia Cole and Beyonce girl anthems, to which all the girls sang the words with pride. You know how we do. There were old Biggie and Jay Z tunes bellowing from the 808s. Then what comes on? The Stanky Leg. I have to admit to you, there is something about this song I like. It has no logical rhyme or reason. It is just a feel right, good ole ghetto track, with meaningless lyrics...but the beat is hittin. It was time to let loose on the dance floor.

The girls and I head to the designated dance floor, surrounded by couples, singles, and the old men looking for young women to be a trophy. Taboo 2 attracts the young, the mature, and the old men you see riding around town in the shiny red Corvettes.

Side Note: why do old men always buy the tiniest sports car that takes them 30 minutes to climb in and out of? Things that make you go hmmm....

Ace is doing her thing as she is a lover of some good music. And she has been known to cut a rug a time or 2 in our day. And it's he birthday, so she is really cutting up. Really, you have to see her on the floor...she takes no prisoners. I should flash warning signs to the fellas who approach her. She takes no mercy and leaves them all speechless. It's hilarious to watch if nothing else.

Just as I feel pity for this poor man trying to keep up with Ace, an AARP club member approaches me to dance. Sure, sir. As long as you give me my personal space and don't touch me...we can get our groove on. He is actually cool because he is not all touchy, feely like some can be. He clearly just wants to dance. Okay, cool. But tell me why Soulja Boy Tell Em (and why is his name a compound of 4) comes on, and AARP knows all the lyrics. Sir, you have to be 55. Yes, I see you with the diamond stud. I even see you with what seems to be a Rockawear polo. But, sir, you should not know this song. Even if you recognize the tune, you should not be flowing with the track like you wrote it! He knew every bit of "Turn my Swag on." That was hilarious because he was a straight D-Boy with it. Looking like Tip 30 years from now. I admit he had some swag in him. Somebody's grandaddy is in here doing his thing. Wow...

My girl Fee Fee met a brother who jonesed her from the time he made contact. He was not trying to let any other man meet her that night. Ace knew him from her hometown, so he got the green light. After the last song played, we chilled in the parking lot with Fee Fee and her new boo. They exchanged the digits and planned to meet up the next day. We finally got back to Ace's early the next morning, recapped the fab night had, and fell sound asleep as the sun prepared to rise.

Saturday would be a little different. It was the co-ed party had downtown. This would be the first time the guys would meet each other. This would also be the first time Ace and I partied together with our guys since the days of AAMU. This should be interesting...

It is so past my bedtime. Stay tuned for Part II...

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