Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ace's B Day-Part II

It's Saturday morning. 7: 30 a.m. April 4th.

I suddenly wake to the buzzing of my cell. Who in the world is calling me this early? Oh, it's my boo responding to a random text I sent him early this morning. You know how we do. I respond to him as I lie very still in Ace's guest bedroom. Still in my clothes from the night before. Oh, but please believe I had the locs wrapped up. I don't play about my hair. Not at all. I try to reflect on the night before. Too blurry right now. I can't focus. It's only been 3 or so hours since I fell into a deep slumber. Oh, yes. I remember now. Ace, Fee Fee and I danced til the lights came on at Taboo 2. Ahhh, good times all around.

Let me get myself together. I have a meeting in 2 hours about the play I'm promoting. It's less than 6 days away. *smile* I'm elated about what is to come. Okay, but after the meeting, I have to dash home, dye my locs (this salt has to go), and take a much needed nap. Ace's dinner is at 6 p.m. It's 7:55 a.m. I have 10 hours to make this happen.

Ask me did anything mentioned above actually happen? Nope. I did tie those loose ends...which lasted 3 hours longer than planned. Which subtracted all time needed to cleanse the locs. It's fine. I will slap some mouse on this good "baby hair", tie a scarf around these edges for at least an hour...I will be good to go. No nap either. This won't be the first time I function off 3 hours of sleep. I arrived home in just enough time to make some last minute calls, take a shower, and get cute for the party. It was nice and warm so I put on a long halter dress, stiletto sandals and my signature big hoops. Yep, this is cute. My guy should be proud to have me on his arm tonight.

You know, this is the first time Ace and I will actually co-mingle with our guys and intro them to other friends/acquaintances. This should be very eventful.

I finally got it together as my guy arrived. Let's call him ATL. At this point, he knows the drill. I might not have it all the way together, but he knows to come on in and chill out until I add the finishing touches. He is good like that...and I appreciate it.

We pulled up to STATS an hour and half late...and Ace was in rare form as she should be! It's my girls time to get down on it. She works so hard and deserves all the fun and good time and blessings the world has to offer her. Okay, let me stop before I get mushy. Any who, we walked into the back room, and greeting everyone at the table. Ace introduced ATL to everyone as I waked around and hugged all my good people. I ensured ATL was good before I joined in on the fun with the girls taking pics, sharing laughs, and taking collective trips to the ladies room. You know that's how the girls do. All the signals and subliminal messages we sent telepathically around the guys were verbally announced during the meeting in the ladies room. Okay, wait. That was my jam. "Meeting in the Ladies Room" by Klymaxx. In fact its the ringer that plays when my girlfriends and my sisters are calling.

ATL mingles well with the other fellas as they bond over the basketball games. I think sports for men is like shopping for women. If we can't talk about anything else, we love to chat about clothes and enjoy shopping trips. ATL and Ace's boo clicked well, which we were counting on. And he knew a few of my other homeboys in attendance. This is like a family reunion. Beautiful.

Ace makes an announcement when she feels its the appropriate time for the party to serenade her with the birthday song. Yes, you heard me right. Sis was running thangs, honey. The cake was cut, everyone was full, and we were ready to move on to the next spot to shake a tail feather. Everyone posses up, hops in available cars, and head to Utopia. This is my first time lounging there after Happy Hour. The DJ was not on point, which brought Ace down a bit. One of our homeboys tried to rectify that, but was unsuccessful. We made the best out of it, though. We took more pics, 2 stepped a little, the girls even traveled to the dance floor in attempt to replay Friday's nights fun. This DJ didn't compare. But, you could tell the brother thought he was rocking. He played songs you could not dance too at all. Joints that barely made the top 100 on the charts. Can you get to the top 20, please? Get it together! We have a birthday girl in the house!

But, I will say it was good to have ATL with me. This was the first celebratory function we attended together...and it was nice. Cooler than a polar bears toenails. He is such a grown man. Straight from the SWATS. Not one time was I worried about him or wondering if he was good. Of course I checked on him a few times. He was all about me having a blast with my girls. See? That is what I am talking about. I see you, ATL...I see you.

One birthday bash down for Ace...90 more to go. I can see it now. 80 year birthday party. Somewhere in the tropics. Fashioned in gold sweatsuits. Sporting gold hats with jewels and cute white t-shirts with the words "80 & Fly" designed with rhinestones. Yep, that's me and Ace. With our fanny packs...don't forget about the fanny packs. lol!


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