Monday, June 29, 2009

King Michael

It seems I was on an unintentional hiatus. So much has happened. But, I am back...thanks to a little birdie who knows how to gently nudge me back on track. Thanks ATL for knowing how to say what you say when you say it to me.

In honor of the greatest performer of my era, I have to pay my respects to legendary Michael Jackson. I have heard it all the past few days from all angles. I choose to only focus on the positive aspects of my fondest memories of MJ.

Child, I wore those hardwood floors out in my parents' den trying to mimic those smooth dance moves. When I think about it, he was one of the reasons I gave my all during my dance lessons at Jacobs Dance Academy in the A. From ballet, to jazz, tap, to African, to modern dance....I loved it all and performed it all. Michael was fluid, organic, authentic, fresh. That's what I wanted to be when my feet graced the floor to marry the tone of the music I danced too.

Oh, and I remember attending Atlanta Preparatory School in the early 90s. The academy was created to provide exclusive education targeted specifically to Chocolate students. The main focuses were math, science, African studies and the arts. I was already a dancer, so I was elated to know that we would participate in 2 theatrical dance performances each school year.

The year was 1992. It was the fall. Michael Jackson released one of the best cinematic music videos til this day, "Remember the Time." The female choreographer for our production was all about MJ and insisted upon replicating every dance move from the video. I wanted to do my very best for me...but I also wanted to do it for Mike. In my mind, our performance could reach his people. MJ could see me in the front row...doing my thing. Trying my best to make him proud. Oh, yes...and my momma. Gotta do it for mom too.

Those are my proudest memories of Michael Jackson. From Off the Wall, to Thriller, to Bad to Dangerous. Some of the best music every made. That era was serious because every person on the planet knew the excellence of this man. Yes, he was peculiar and not clearly understood. But, his music, his moves, his artistry was something no one else could touch. Something no one else will ever touch. He had it. He always had IT.

I join the rest of the world and celebrate his positive contributions to music. To humanity. To fashion. To my generation. To generations to follow. Prayerfully, he is finally resting and can be at peace to leave all the drama and scrutiny behind. God bless his children, his family, his legacy.

Be easy.


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